KRUE Sports: Games for Thursday Sept. 12 will take place at Kings River against Traver. Varsity Football and JV Football will both play starting at 3:00 PM, with Varsity on the South Field and JV on the West Field. The Varsity Volleyball game will take place in the MPR at 3:00 PM. The JV Volleyball game will take place after the conclusion on the Varsity game and start around 3:45 PM in the MRP. Just a reminder all players will need to be signed out with FUEL staff prior to leaving the event.
4 days ago, Nicholas Perez
KRUE Sports: On Wednesday Sept. 11, all Flag Football, Volleyball and Cross Country teams will take their pictures for the yearbook. Picture can be purchased and forms were shared with students the last two days. The attachment will also allow you to purchase photos using the North Star Photography QR code. Please email Mr. Perez any questions at
5 days ago, Nicholas Perez
Picture Form
Picture Day is coming! See the flyer for details. Dia de Fotografias Escolares se aproxima! Vea el volante para detalles.
9 days ago, Erika Lopez
Picture Day
September is National Attendance Awareness Month! See the flyer for information on how you can help build the habit of good school attendance. Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientizacion Sobre la Asistencia Escolar! Vea el volante para informacion sobre como puede usted crear el habito de buena asistencia escolar.
12 days ago, Erika Lopez
KRUE Sports: On Monday Aug. 26th will begin practices for the following sports: Flag Football, Girls Volleyball and Cross Country. Practice is set for Monday through Friday from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Please register your child through the FUEL program application on the Kings River Website, this is mandatory. Any questions please contact Mr. Perez at
23 days ago, Nicholas Perez
KRUE Sports: On Monday August 19 we will host a parent meeting going over the changes for the sports program this year. Please attend if your child plans to play any sports this school year for Kings River Union. We will also go over cheerleading for KRU as well. The meeting will start at 6:00 PM in the Kings River MPR building.
about 1 month ago, Nicholas Perez
KRU Sports Meeting
KRU Sports Meeting SAP
Welcome to the 2024/25 school year! See the flyer for the August breakfast & lunch menus! Bienvenidos al ciclo escolar 2024/25! Vea el volante para el menu de desayuno y almuerzo para Agosto!
about 1 month ago, Erika Lopez
Parent Ed Classes starting soon! See the flyer for details. ¡Las clases de educación para padres comienzan pronto! Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.
about 1 month ago, Erika Lopez
Dig Lit
Dig Lit Sp
The California Department of Public Health, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch (CLPPB) works to eliminate childhood lead poisoning by preventing environmental exposures to lead and identifying and caring for lead-burdened children in California. See the flyers for information on lead poison prevention & testing. La Subdivisión de Prevención del Envenenamiento Infantil por Plomo (CLPPB, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Salud Pública de California trabaja para eliminar el envenenamiento por plomo en los niños previniendo la exposición ambiental al plomo e identificando y cuidando a los niños con plomo en California. Consulte los folletos para obtener información sobre la prevención y las pruebas del envenenamiento por plomo.
3 months ago, Erika Lopez
Lead Sp
Lead Sp
KRUE Sports: Today Thursday May 23rd the Baseball, Softball, Boys Volleyball and Track teams will have an optional final practice from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM. For any athletes still needing to turn in uniforms please do so by Tuesday May 28th.
4 months ago, Nicholas Perez
Memorial Day next week & last day of school! See the flyer for the schedule. Dia Memorial la proxima semana y el ultimo dia de clases! Via el boletin para el horario.
4 months ago, Erika Lopez
Last Week
Last Week Sp
Marble Season has begun! See the flyer for details. La temporada de canicas ha comenzado! Vea el boletin para los detalles.
4 months ago, Erika Lopez
Marble Sp
Device collection happening soon! See the flyer for details. ¡La recolección de dispositivos estará disponible pronto! Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles.
4 months ago, Erika Lopez
Tech Sp
See the flyer for all the exciting things happening in May! Vea el volante para ver todas las cosas entusiasmantes que pasaran en Mayo!
4 months ago, Erika Lopez
No school this Friday! See the flyer for details. No habra classes este Viernes! Vea el boletin para los detalles.
5 months ago, Erika Lopez
No School
KRUE Sports: On Wednesday May 1st the Boys Volleyball team will be heading to St. La Salle for their final season match up. The first game is planned for 2:30 PM. No Baseball, Softball or Track practices on this day.
5 months ago, Nicholas Perez
Open House this week! See the flyer for the details. Casa abierta esta semana! Vea el volante para los detalles.
5 months ago, Erika Lopez
Open House
Open House Sp
KRUE Sports: On Tuesday April 30th, Baseball and Softball teams will play a game at Monson-Sultana. The Softball game will begin at 2:00 PM and the Baseball game will being at 3:30 PM. Boys Volleyball will practice from 3:00 to 4:30 PM.
5 months ago, Nicholas Perez
KRUE Sports: On Thursday April 18th Boys Volleyball will play its game at 3 PM in the KRUE MPR. Baseball, Softball and Track will not practice on this day.
5 months ago, Nicholas Perez
KRUE Sports: on Friday, April 12 there will be no practices for afterschool sports. For all teams.
5 months ago, Nicholas Perez